




The 亚洲体育博彩平台LGBTQ+校友会 is committed to the integration of personal and community power to affirm, 解放, 支持, 庆祝LGBTQ+ Clarkies. 我们的目标是在LGBTQ+亚洲体育博彩平台校友和学生之间建立团结, 在校园内外提供积极的体验和勇敢的空间, 并为博彩平台推荐LGBTQ+学生争取权益.


  • 提升具有多重交叉身份的LGBTQ+ Clarkies的声音
  • Unite LGBTQ+ Clarkies across generations to learn from and grow in our understanding of each other’s lived experiences
  • 举办网络和社区建设活动
  • 为全球LGBTQ+ Clarkies提供虚拟活动的机会
  • 指导LGBTQ+学生和年轻校友
  • 提供有关LGBTQ+问题的继续教育机会
  • 在Pride和LGBTQ+相关的活动中组织联系的机会

阅读更多关于该组织的信息,以及他们是如何帮助LGBTQ+校友联系的 ClarkNOW




凯瑟琳(凯蒂)伯根(M.A.)是博士。.D. student in the Clinical Psychology Training Program at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, 她在那里研究与暴力有关的创伤和人类性行为的交集. She also works as a sex educator affiliated with the South Shore Sexual Health Center in Quincy, MA.

凯蒂2015年毕业于博彩平台推荐,主修政治学,辅修英语. 充分利用政治科学系惊人的学术支持, Katie completed a senior honors thesis and published two related research articles in Clark’s Scholarly Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) before graduating. 在博彩平台推荐期间, Katie worked as an administrative and research assistant in the Sociology Department and was an active leader in student clubs. 凯蒂毕业后一直是亚洲体育博彩平台的志愿者. 除了在安理会任职之外, 凯蒂曾担任过去十年毕业生(GOLD)委员会的联合主席多年, 担任亚洲体育博彩平台的社交媒体大使, 是多样性的成员吗 & Inclusion Task Force, and is involved with the creation of a Clark 校友 LGBTQ+ Affinity Group. 她在新英格兰地区和网上主持了许多校友参与活动, and has spoken multiple times at the annual Life After Clark career event for graduating students.

除了她和亚洲体育博彩平台有关的志愿服务, 凯蒂参与了国家心理学研究社区的发展. Katie has co-coordinated national conferences in the interest of feminist psychology and research. 她的作品曾在同行评议的学术期刊上发表, Vox也是如此, 坚强的女孩, 高峰性信息播客, 以及Womxn项目性健康讲座系列. 凯蒂是一名音乐剧爱好者,也是一名致力于社会正义的活动家. When she is not taking classical voice lessons and performing in community theatre productions, 她致力于为性暴力幸存者发声, 庆祝LGBTQ+社区, 参与反种族主义的努力, 打击反犹太主义.


维拉迪高地 ' 16, Psy.D.

Vladi是一位有执照的临床心理学家. 他在治疗患有情绪失调的青少年方面有特别的经验, +同性恋群体身份, 以及患有复杂发育创伤的儿童. Vladi completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Clinical Child Psychology Specialty Program at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

弗拉迪获得了硕士学位和鸟叔.D. 新英格兰安提阿大学临床心理学博士. His qualitative dissertation explored how young adults adopted internationally as children create a coherent story about who they are and the role of adoption in their lives. 弗拉迪在博彩平台推荐获得心理学学士学位, where he was involved in quantitative research into substance use and mental health issues among college students. He looks forward to connecting with current as well as former Clarkies through the 亚洲体育博彩平台LGBTQ+校友会.


詹妮弗Laponte, 16岁

Jennifer graduated from 博彩平台推荐 in 2016 with a major in Political Science and minor in Geography. 之后,她在StreetScan工作了几年, examining the quality of street and sidewalk features with visual and mapping software for towns across the US and Canada. She is now taking natural science illustration courses with RISD continuing education with the plan to earn her certificate next spring. 她很高兴能成为亚洲体育博彩平台LGBTQ+校友会的一员.


卡洛Morrisey ' 79, Ed.D ’90

卡罗是伍斯特的终身居民. He received his second bachelor’s degree in 1979 from Clark majoring in English and psychology. 他还有个B.S. 伍斯特州立大学毕业(1972年). 卡罗获得了学位证书。.D. 1990年从博彩平台推荐毕业,专攻学校心理学.

他是伍斯特公立学校的退休学校心理学家. 卡洛以前在马萨诸塞州部门工作. 在那里他担任过各种职位,包括顾问, 临床主任, 项目负责人, 临床服务主任(全州). Carlo teaches part time at Quinsigamond Community College where he has been an adjunct faculty member since 1982, 教授心理学和社会学课程. For the past four years he has been volunteering at Literacy 志愿者s of Greater Worcester. 卡罗喜欢写小说和诗歌. He is excited about being involved in Clark’s LGBTQ+ 校友 Affinity Group and looks forward to meeting with students and alumni.



米兰达·瓦莱里奥(米兰达Valerio)出生并成长在康涅狄格州的纽黑文——地球上最好吃的披萨的故乡. She relocated to Atlanta, GA in 2021 and has fallen in love with the community and culture.

Miranda recently stepped into the role of Executive Assistant and Board Manager for South Arts. 以前, 她在住房领域的许多方面积累了经验, having worked for organizations ranging from a luxury apartment company to managing an affordable housing complex consisting of five towers and housing over 2,000居民. During this time, she also served as a studio assistant for New Haven artist Maximillian Toth. 最近,她在亚特兰大一家打击青少年无家可归的非营利组织工作. Miranda has always been drawn to the arts, and is passionate about social justice and activism. 她坚信艺术能促进治愈、同理心和自信. 她相信要为让世界变得更美好而奋斗. 她毕业于博彩平台推荐,获得心理学学士学位,并在那里担任SARC主席. 她仍然是一位活跃的校友, participating on the 校友理事会 and co-founding the 亚洲体育博彩平台LGBTQ+校友会 group.



Jeffrey Lambert currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer at the Ventura County Community Foundation. 以前, he has served as Community Development Director for the City of Oxnard and City of Ventura. Lambert has a proven track record as a public servant throughout his career and is recognized as a Certified Planner by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). 他之前拥有自己的规划和政府咨询公司, 曾担任圣克拉里塔市社区发展总监, 也是南加州凯撒永久医疗机构的土地使用经理. Lambert also served on the national Board of the American Planning Association (APA) and was President of the California Chapter of APA. Lambert graduated from the University of Southern California with a Masters in Urban Planning and previously earned his B.A. 在马萨诸塞州伍斯特的博彩平台推荐获得心理学和政府学学位.


有一般性问题, 想要分享反馈或活动想法, 或者有兴趣参与其中, 接收社区特定邮件, 及CLAA更新? 请e邮件 claa@basilinfracon.com, 填一下这个 简短的调查,或者寄给可能合适的校友.



Clark recognizes that community members change names and pronouns for a variety of reasons. Whether you have recently changed names and or have received something from Clark identifying you incorrectly, please 填一下这个 form so that our records can better reflect who you are and the way you would like to be identified.




全年,CLAA举办各种各样的活动,包括面对面的和虚拟的. 最近的事件包括:

  • 校友 & 好友虚拟书友会: 《博彩平台推荐》 作者詹妮弗·芬尼-博伊兰,以纪念LGBT历史月
  • 普罗维登斯骄傲聚会在麦芽和照明骄傲游行
  • 薰衣草毕业 (参阅劳委会致应届毕业生的贺词)
  • 同学会周末LGBTQ+招待会
  • 在身份办公室的职业小组里, 学生参与, 途径和职业关系
  • 校友 & 朋友读书俱乐部庆祝LGBTQ+历史月 Rox Samer教授 在她们的著作《博彩平台推荐》(查看录音)
  • 伍斯特骄傲周品酒会
  • A Q&A和艾比·戈德堡博士.D. 关于LGBTQ+家庭建设(查看录音)
  • 博彩平台推荐LGBTQ+文化遗产重点介绍罗伯特·托宾教授(查看录音)

